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Project X - Art & Design: Home

The act of making art, animation, etc.

Databases and other OES Online Resources

Book in the Library

Reliable Websites

Make Art. You Are An Artist - Medium essay on becoming an artist.

How to Be Mindful When Making Art - NYTimes essay about the connection being mindfulness and art.

History of Animation - A look at the very long history of what we now call animation.

History of Animation - New York Film Academy looks at modern animation.

Principles of Good Design - Dieter Rams's 10 principles of good design, with examples from his own designs.

Industrial Design - A further look at Dieter Rams.

Art in the Age of the Internet - Podcast on Art from The Guardian

What is Art - A Look at the question, what is art?

What is Art - Different definitions of art.

Art Terms - Terms used in art

Art Institute of Chicago

Guggenheim Museum

Psychology of Theatre Audiences

How Actors Create Emotions

How Acting Puts Mental Strain on Performers

Breaking Down the Elements of Acting

Effects of Theatre Arts on Emotional Intelligence

How to Gauge Theatre's Impact

Psychological Benefits of Attending the Theatre - Abstract only

How Performing Can Help Mental Health Problems


Use NoodleTools to keep track of your resources. You will be need to be creative with your search terms. If you are finding too few results, think of synonyms or related terms. If you are finding too many results, think of how you might add or take away words to limit your results. Remember to take the time to read what you're referencing and to think about what you're reading: does it seem plausible; does it seem well researched; what are some examples of faked discoveries throughout history and how did those shape our current thinking?